Ode to the Khushalani Family...

Sonu Maama (My mom’s brother), Anju Maami (My mom’s sister-in-law), Bunny, Hunny, and Snoopy (their very large golden retriever) drove over 24 hours to be with us for 2 days in Darjeeling one last time before we go back to the States. There is such a strong connection between our families that no one thought twice about meeting in Darjeeling. When we were in Calcutta in March, we were discussing with them where to go for our last vacation in June and we mentioned Darjeeling and instantly they said that they would meet us there. Right then and there it was settled---Darjeeling bound!

It is really hard to explain the connection we have with each other. We stayed in an Airbnb so we could have space and at the same time be together. It really did not matter what we were doing as long as we were together. It was just that easy. We toured around, we ate, and we laughed (a lot).

Snoopy, their very large golden retriever, was the center of attention and grounded all of us. Driving was quite difficult with the steep narrow roads and two-way traffic plus a train that would go by every 20 minutes that would stop traffic. Anytime he felt we were getting anxious, he would snuggle is head onto you or give you his very large paw. He was right there experiencing the adventures with us. We tried to get him into several restaurants but to no avail he was turned away. Snoopy took it well and just pulled us away to another place. Snoopy loved the boys and “took care” of them as if they were his own. Snoopy would wake up James and Ashram in the morning and give them morning kisses. He then would proceed to follow them around and play with them where ever they went. We adore Snoopy and the whole family for that matter.



What better way to enjoy our last few days than with family. We love you to pieces Khushalani Family! Our hearts are filled!


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