Indian High Tea and Tasting

Girls Night Out! Two of our friends and I went on an Airbnb high tea experience. It was quite delightful. It was my first time tasting and learning about tea.

I learned a lot about tea and the different types of tea (there are only 4—white tea, green tea, oolong tea, and black tea). There is so much I didn’t know. For example, did you know drinking tea from a tea bag is the worst way to enjoy tea? Tea bags are made up of plastics and/or toxins so when we steep tea using tea bags we are not only drinking tea but toxins. How crazy is that? And when they say a tea has antioxidants and is really good for you, you have to drink 6-7 cups of that tea a day to get the antioxidant benefits. Crazy!

In addition to learning about the teas and tasting different kinds of teas (including a women’s active tea-a mixture she created and I loved), we learned about snack pairings and in general Indians don’t have sweets with their tea but savory snacks. 

Even though sweets are not normally served she had 2 wonderful desserts prepared for us.

Truly an incredible experience! I have wanted to do this for awhile but our days and timings never worked until tonight. I guess better late than never😜

Take home sample of tea and a snack.


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