About Last Night...

Last night I had a meeting with the Director of Education at Azim Premji University at 6pm. We met for 1 and 1/2 hours. We talked about the Design Thinking Process and the guide I am creating for teachers. She loved it and had some really good feedback. Here I thought I would tie everything up in a nice little bow and hand off my work to Azim Premji and Indus International but the bow came undone. Instead, I was able to forge ongoing relationships with both affiliations to continue my work in India while getting the guide off the ground at home. I love that I have still will have such a strong connection here in India. Bangalore will be my second home.

Today, we packed up all our suitcases and cleaned the house. Well actually John cleaned the house. It is spotless. Thank you John. We had lunch  with our dear friends and were gifted 2 plates by a local artist for our dinning room. We were so touched and so glad that we got a break from packing and thinking about our shift back to the US. The plates are absolutely gorgeous and really represent us and the artist, Deepak. It is our first plates that have such a significant meaning to them. We become very close with Deepak and he made the plates especially for us. Usually we go into a local artist's store and pick a plate. This time it had such depth and meaning to it.

And then the coolest thing happened. Our neighbors came over one by one to say goodbye with such heartfelt sentiments. It was delightful. My heart is full.


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