Digital Thinking Process and Bengaluru FC

Today was a full full day with lots of exciting adventures day and night!

First, I observed a 7th grade class. So so different than my classroom in the U.S. Neither good or bad just different. It is hard to describe. Afterwards my teacher mentor and I discussed Design Thinking Process (DTP) which is a student centered approach to teaching and learning. Keep in mind I am just learning this method and she asked me how I would incorporate DTP to the content they are learning on the Moghul Empire. I loved thinking on my feet and was proud of my response. I told her that she could ask them to extract lessons that can be learned from the Empire. Once they did that, they could apply it to their realities today and how they can use the lessons learned in their lives. For example each student is assigned a house (kind of like Harry Potter), they could learn common imperial tactics used by the Moghuls to “conquer” the opposing houses. As I was explaining my idea she was taking notes and suggested it to another 7th grade teacher. I felt honored that she took my suggestion after only a few encounters.

Now onto our first night activity, an evening watching Bengaluru FC which is part of the Indian Super League. Our two hour cushion wasn’t enough to get us to the stadium on time for kickoff.  It didn’t matter though.  We used the time to buy a set of knock off jerseys and some delicious kathi rolls before the second half started.  The game was fun.  JJ got into the game with a hardy cheer while Ashram munched either his second or third bag of popcorn (lost count).  The game ended 2-1 to The Blues (that’s Bengaluru).  All in all a great night.  It was a nice treat to leave the quietude of our bungalow and feel the energy of the city.  


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