A Fine Balance...

This Christmas was a challenge with being excited about Christmas AND about being excited about our trip! So, I mixed it all up so that there would be equal excitement. In their stockings I put miniature games, markers, and color books for our travels and their "BIG" gift was something they could look forward to coming home to in June. James got a virtual coach and soccer ball that helps him improve his soccer skills and Ashram got a police lego set. Fits them both perfectly. My favorite gifts this year for the kids was these super hero books that are inspirational to each individual child and your child is the super hero. My favorite gift for me was an ornament in the shape of India and it says "Fulbright '19". Thank you John! It will become a lifetime memory every Christmas! Needless to say the whole family has had Christmas excitement twice this year! We feel very lucky...

Excitement of Christmas

Busy Building Legos

Attentive soccer player

Results from his virtually coach

Inspirational books for kids

My gift to my classroom at New Mission. It is an auto-rickshaw poster (best way to travel in the cities!) And underneath it, it says "Everything is Possible"

Fulbright Ornament from John


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