Paddington, Kensington Palace, High Tea

Most of you know that we waited until now to travel internationally with JJ and Ash. We wanted to wait so that it would be a memorable experience for them and enjoyable for us. John and I love to travel and there is such ease when it is just the two of us. We balance each other and play on each other's strengths. We did not know what traveling would be like with our kids. Today, I had an epiphany! John and I needed to change our ways somewhat to adjust to the kids but not really. We just needed to make sure they were well fed and we had several resting stops. But for the most part, we carried on as if it was just the two of us but now it was just the four of us. JJ and Ash ate before we left the house so they would not be starving by the time we got to eat breakfast and allowed John and I to enjoy breakfast without being rushed or any "I'm hungry, when is the food coming." And I carried a granola bar in my purse in case anyone got hungry. We wanted to avoid any "...